Dated 15 April 2023


Exclusive for BKS Iyengar Yogashala (BKSIYS) members only.

It is the members’ responsibility to ensure their date-of-birth on BKSIYS Zen Planner member profile is accurate. Members can check their profile information by logging in at


The date-of-birth recorded in Zen Planner must be verified with original Identification Card (NRIC) by BKSIYS Front Desk Personnel to redeem the Birthday Rewards in a form of e-voucher thru Whatsapp.

The Birthday Rewards given entitles members to TWO (2) FREE yoga classes in a single redemption.

The Birthday Rewards is redeemable only during the month of your actual birthday. For example, if the member’s birthday falls on March 15th, the Birthday Rewards redemption is valid from 1-31 March only.

There will be no extension of any active package; Class Package or Promotion Package while utilizing this Birthday Rewards.

Alumni may enjoy the Birthday Rewards when they purchase a minimum of 10-Class Standard Class Package during the month of their birthday.

The Birthday Rewards is valid for one (1) month from the issuance date.

BKSIYS is not responsible if members / non-members are unable to claim their Birthday Rewards during the valid period and no compensation will be given.

Birthday Rewards is not exchangeable for cash.


Referred Person must be new to BKS Iyengar Yogashala (BKSIYS) and has not been referred by anyone before this.

Referred Person must write your name as “referred by” on the Member Registration Form.

Our Front Desk Personnel will contact you via Whatsapp to redeem the reward as below:

1. 10% discount for a referrer at standard package if the referred student buys standard package only.  Or else

2.  RM50 for a referrer at standard package if the referred student buys standard package only which can utilize when buy the next package or to buy our yoga props at Salamba Sdn Bhd.

BKSIYS is not responsible if members / non-members are unable to claim their Referral Reward during the valid period (1 months’ time) and no compensation will be given.